viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009


Moss is the author of such books as Antioxidants Against Cancer, Cancer Therapy, Questioning Chemotherapy, and The Cancer Industry, as well as the award-winning PBS documentary The Cancer War.

He also wrote the first article on alternative medicine for The Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook and the first article on complementary cancer treatments for a medico-legal textbook, Courtroom Medicine: Cancer (Matthew Bender).

He is co-editor of the first medical textbook in English on non-conventional treatments for cancer, Complementary Oncology (Thieme, 2005).

His articles and scientific communications have appeared in such journals as The Lancet, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the Journal of the American Medical Association, New Scientist, Anticancer Research, Genetic Engineering News, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and Integrative Cancer Therapies, of which he is Corresponding

Ralph Moss, Ph.D., es autor de ocho libros y de tres documentales sobre la temática del cáncer.

Es asesor del Instituto Nacional de Salud, de la Universidad de Columbia, y de la Universidad de Texas. Investiga y escribe informes individualizados para personas con cáncer, llamados “Healing Choices” (Elecciones de Curación).

Para recibir información visite su web:
o escriba a:
Coordinator Anne Beattie @ 144 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217; Phone 718-636-4433 Fax 718-636-0186 E-mail:

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

ARTICULO: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cancer

Indoor and Built Environment REVIEW

DOI: 10.1177/1420326X03036999
Indoor and Built Environment 2003; 12; 405
Artemis P. Simopoulos

Epidemiological studies and animal experiments indicate that omega-3 fatty acids exert protective
effects against some common cancers, especially cancers of the breast, colon and prostate
Many mechanisms are involved, including suppression of neoplastic transformation, cell growth inhibition, and enhanced apoptosis and antiangiogenicity, through the inhibition of eicosanoid production from omega-6
fatty acids; suppression of cycloo¨ xygenase-2 (COX-2), and interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 gene expression.

Recent intervention studies in breast cancer patients indicate that omega-3 fatty acids, and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA) in particular, increase the response to chemopreventive agents. In patients with colorectal cancer, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA decrease cell proliferation, and modulate favourably
the balance between colonic cell proliferation and apoptosis. In general, a balanced omega-6 : omega-3
ratio is essential for normal growth and development, and plays an important role in the prevention and
treatment of many clinical conditions, including cancer.
For both prevention and treatment of cancer12/6/405 patients, it is essential that the diet is balanced in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009


Preparar el colon para la cirugía. ¿Necesidad real o nada más (y nada menos) que el peso de la tradición?

José V. Roiga, Juan García-Armengola, Rafael Alósb, Amparo Solanab, Rodolfo Rodríguez-Carrilloc, Pablo Galindoa,M. Isabel Fabraa, Alberto López-Delgadoa y José García-Romeroa, Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Valencia. España.
Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva. Hospital de Sagunto. Sagunto. Valencia. España.
Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva. Hospital de la Ribera. Alzira. Valencia. España.

La preparación mecánica del colon es un componente tradicional del preoperatorio de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía colorrectal dirigido a reducir sus complicaciones infecciosas, ya que clásicamente la presencia de heces en el colon se ha asociado a contaminación intraoperatoria y dehiscencias anastomóticas.

Sin embargo, en la actualidad, estudios tanto experimentales como de observaciones clínicas, trabajos prospectivos y revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura cuestionan su utilidad.

Se efectúa una revisión de conjunto sobre el tema, y se concluye que, con la evidencia disponible, no está claro el beneficio de la preparación mecánica del colon y hay trabajos que muestran incluso una mayor incidencia de complicaciones en la tasa de dehiscencia anastomótica y la morbilidad con su uso sistemático, por lo que puede ser omitida en cirugía electiva y es adecuado restringirla a indicaciones concretas, como pequeños tumores, para facilitar su localización durante un abordaje laparoscópico o cuando se precise hacer una endoscopia intraoperatoria.

El papel de la preparación mecánica en la cirugía rectal no está aclarado en la actualidad y se precisa de series más amplias para establecerlo.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009

Extracto de CALENDULA: actividad antitumoral

El extracto de la planta Caléndula officinalis produce un doble efecto in vitro de: citotóxicos antitumorales actividad y activación de los linfocitos desde hace más de 10 años.

BMC Cancer. 2006 mayo 5; 6:119. Servicio de Análisis Clínicos correo Inmunologia, Hospital Universitario la Virgen de Nieves, Universidad de Granada, en Av, de las Fuerzas Armadas 2, 18014 Granada, España.

Phytopharmacological estudios de los diferentes extractos de Caléndula han demostrado antiinflamatorios, antivirales y de lucha contra propiedades genotóxicas de interés terapéutico. En este estudio, hemos evaluado in vitro citotóxicos antitumorales e inmunomoduladoras e in vivo antitumoral efecto de láser activado Calendula Extract (LACE), una novela extracto de la planta Calendula Officinalis (Asteraceae). Un extracto acuoso de Calendula Officinalis fue obtenida por un novedoso método de extracción con el fin de medir su antitumoral y de las actividades in vitro de inmunomoduladores. Tumor líneas celulares derivadas de leucemia, melanoma, fibrosarcomas y cáncer de mama, próstata, cuello uterino, pulmón, páncreas y colorrectal y se utilizaron células tumorales in vitro de la proliferación se mide por BrdU incorporación y viable de células.
CONCLUSIÓN: Estos resultados indican que LACE acuosa Extracto tiene dos actividades complementarias in vitro con potencial antitumoral efecto terapéutico: la actividad citotóxica de células tumorales y la activación de los linfocitos.
Tesis doctoral: Eva Mª Jimenez. Dpto de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de la Universidad de Granada.2006.
Trabajos de Investigación del Dr. John Pezzuto. Editor in Chief for Pharmaceutical Biology.
He has been supported by the National Institutes of Health continuously since 1977, and currently serves as the
Principal Investigator/Program Director of a Program Project grant in cancer chemoprevention, and Program
Leader for an International Collaborative Biodiversity Group

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

Mammogram Calls into Question Breast Cancer Natural History

Las Mamografías ponen en cuestión la historia natural del cancer de mama
Un artículo de Chris Cole
The findings of a Norwegian study recently published in Archives of Internal Medicine suggest that “the natural course of some screen-detected invasive breast cancers is to spontaneously regress.” Researchers, led by Per-Henrik Zahl, MD, PhD, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway, examined breast cancer rates for 119,472 women age 50 to 64 who were invited to receive three rounds of screening mammograms between 1996 and 2001, compared their rates to a control group of 109,784 women in the same age group in 1992, and tracked cancers for six years using a national registry. They found that cancer rates significantly increased in women who underwent mammography every two years (1,909 per 100,000 women) compared to the control group (1,564 per 100,000 women), as anticipated.
However, even after prevalence screening in controls, “the cumulative incidence of invasive breast cancer remained 22 percent higher in the screened group,” the authors wrote, suggesting that some cancers detected by mammography may have regressed spontaneously without having been discovered and treated. “Although many clinicians may be skeptical of the idea, the excess incidence associated with repeated mammography demands that spontaneous regression be considered carefully,” the authors wrote. “Spontaneous regression of invasive breast cancer has been reported, with a recent literature review identifying 32 reported cases. This is a relatively small number given such a common disease. However, as some observers have pointed out, the fact that documented observations are rare does not mean that regression rarely occurs. It may instead reflect the fact that these cancers are rarely allowed to follow their natural course.” The authors noted that their findings don’t address the question of whether mammograms prevent death from breast cancer, but instead, “simply provide new insight on what is arguably the major harm associated with mammographic screening, namely, the detection and treatment of cancers that would otherwise regress.”
In an editorial response to the article in the same issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, Robert M. Kaplan, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, and Franz Porzsolt, MD, PhD, Clinical Economics University of Ulm, Germany, stated that perhaps “the most important concern raised by the study by Zahl et al is that it highlights how surprisingly little we know about what happens to untreated patients with breast cancer. In addition to not knowing the natural history of breast cancer for younger women, we also know very little about the natural history for older women. We know from autopsy studies that a significant number of women die without knowing that they had breast cancer (including ductal carcinoma in situ). The observation of a historical trend toward improved survival does not necessarily support the benefit of treatment.” The study authors agree. “If the spontaneous remission hypothesis is credible, it should cause a major re-evaluation in the approach to breast cancer research and treatment. Certainly it is worthy of further evaluation,” they concluded.


-Se puede vivir mucho tiempo más sin necesidad de someterse a ningún tratamiento convencional. Ésa era la conclusión del fallecido Dr. Hardin Jones, profesor de física médica en la Universidad de Berkeley, en California.Después de analizar cuidadosamente las estadísticas de supervivencia al cáncer durante veinticinco años, Jones dijo en una reunión de la Sociedad Americana del cáncer realizada en 1969 que los pacientes sin tratamiento no mueren antes que los pacientes que reciben tratamientos ortodoxos, y en muchos casos viven más tiempo.
-Sólo entre 2 y 3 por ciento del casi medio millón de americanos diagnosticados con cáncer cada año son salvados por la quimioterapia, según el Dr. John Cairns de la Escuela de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Harvard.
-"La mayoría de los y las pacientes de cáncer en este país (USA) muere a causa de la quimioterapia", comenta el Dr. Alan Levin de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de California.

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

AUTODETERMINACION EN EL CANCER:el rol de uno mismo/a en los y las supervivientes


De: Block, Keith I.,
Advances: The Journal of the Institute for the Advancement of Health, 07419783, Winter97, Vol. 13, Fascículo 1Base de datos: Academic Search Premier

ABSTRACT. Placing individuals at the helm of their own health care forms the basis for an integrative cancer care program centered around biological and psychosocial interventions. Within the new paradigm labeled biopsychooncology, caring for the whole patient (multidimensional self) entails the systematic integration of conventional therapy, mind-body interventions, therapeutic nutrition, phytomedicines, and physical care strategies. Psychological and biological coping strategies are deemed potentially synergistic. Each component is tailored to the individual, and no part of the program is implemented without the patient's informed and active participation. Four tenets underlie the program: individualized treatment, psychodynamic/psychosocial intervention, medical gradualism, and biopsychooncologic intervention.

This multidimensional definition of self-biological, psychological, psychospiritual-needs to be kept in mind as we probe some of the epidemiological research on how cancer patients can influence their own survival. Epidemiology seeks primarily to determine the probability that certain groups of individuals will develop a particular outcome in the presence of a given factor or exposure, or multiple exposures. I argue here that some of the exposures that influence the course of cancer are based on choices made by the self--choices concerning both external events (choice of particular therapy, for example) and inner "behavior."

The Political Economy of Cancer Research

Artículo de la European Journal of Oncology 2004

David Ozonoff, "The Political Economy of Cancer Research," Science and Nature, no. 2 (1979), p. 13.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

Social context of cancer& Cancer social context

Science remains an eminently social institution, though the interactions between science and society are often poorly understood.

This article addresses the context of recent efforts to identify environmental contributions to cancer. The authors first examine cancer incidence and discuss how incidence patterns may be related to air pollution and occupational and general toxic chemical and xenestrogen exposures.
They then discuss the social context in which cancer research and treatment occurs, including the dominating role of the biomedical model and socioeconomic factors, including regulatory strategies that address single chemicals, corporate conflicts of interest, and the manipulation of public opinion.
Last, they consider the broad context out of which cancer arises and discuss the merits of applying the precautionary principle to sustainable social policies.

Progress in reducing cancer may be fruitfully made by returning our attention to broad-scale factors such as those affecting the quality of air, water, workplace, household environments, and the global climate.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Tipología de causas de muerte tras cirugía oncológica&Death after Cancer surgery

Un artículo de la Revista de Innovación Quirúrgica& Surgery Innovation, editada por SAGE:

Jennifer F. Waljee, Stephanie Windisch, Jonathan F. Finks, Sandra L. Wong and John D. Birkmeyer

Classifying Cause of Death After Cancer Surgery

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009


Artículo de la prestigiosa editorial SAGE:

Johannes N. Schilder, Marco J. de Vries, Karl Goodkin and Mike Antoni
Psychological Changes Preceding Spontaneous Remission of Cancer

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Cancer Nutrition & Rehabilitation Program CANADA

Cancer nutrition and rehabilitation—its time has come!

Martin R. Chasen, Cancer Nutrition and Rehabilitation Program, McGill University, 546 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, QC H2W 1S6.( Clinical Director, Cancer Nutrition and Rehabilitation Program, McGill University, Montreal, QC.

Cancer is a systemic disease that can affect nearly every organ in the body, resulting in a progressive loss
of organ function. That loss of function may be initially slow, having minimal effect, or it may be rapid,
resulting in more dramatic changes.The usual medical management of patients with cancer has focused more specifically on the administration of cytotoxic treatments.
These treatments can potentially eradicate or minimize the tumour, but they may also have toxic side effects that in turn can also affect the patient.

Cancer rehabilitation is a process that assists the individual with a cancer diagnosis to obtain optimal
physical, social, psychological, and vocational functioning within the limits created by the disease and its
treatment. The McGill Cancer Nutrition and Rehabilitation (CNR) program
developed as a result of the everincreasing demand for a focus on addressing individual cancer patients and their needs, as well as on achieving optimal tumour-related outcomes.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, the CNR’s global objective is to empower individuals who are experiencing loss of function, fatigue, malnutrition, psychological distress, and other symptoms as a result of cancer or its treatment to improve their own quality of life.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Terapias Integrativas del Cancer- Cancer Integrative Therapies

NCI Launches New Integrative Cancer Biology Program

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), announced $14.9
million in funding for a new Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP).

The ICBP is a unique initiative designed to gain new insights into the development and progression of cancer through a system-wide approach.An integrative and multidisciplinary effort among all fields of cancer research will be applied, incorporating a spectrum of new technologies such as genomics, proteomics,
and molecular imaging, to generate computer and mathematical models that could predict the cancer

The ICBP initiative highlights nine integrative biology centers. These centers will provide the nucleus for the
design and validation of computational and mathematical cancer models. The models will simulate complex
cancer processes and will be used to address all stages of cancer, from the basic cellular processes through tumor growth and metastasis.

The ICBP centers also will serve as training and outreach programs, enabling developing technologies to be
communicated to other scientists in the cancer research community.The ICBP centers also will interact and collaborate with other NCI programs and external groups. NCI's cancer Biomedical Information Grid (caBIG) program will coordinate all the bioinformatics software needed by the ICBP as part of caBlG's ongoing effort to simplify and integrate the sharing and usage of data by providing access to NCI's cancer research communities.


Antonio Brú; Juan Manuel Pastor; Isabel Fernaud; Isabel Brú; Sonia Melle; Carolina Berenguer (1998).
«Super-Rough Dynamics on Tumor Growth». Physical Review Letters 81 (18). 0031-9007.

Brú, A.; Albertos, S.; Subiza, J.L.; López García-Asenjo, J. A.; Brú, I. (2003).
«The Universal Dynamics of Tumor Growth». Biophysical Journal 85. 0006-3495, p. 2948-–2961.

Brú, A.; Albertos, S.; López García-Asenjo, J. A.; Brú, I. (2004).
«Pinning of Tumoral Growth by Enhancement of the Immune Response». Physical Review Letters 92 (23). 0031-9007, p. 238101-1 -- 238101-4.

Brú, A.; Casero, D. (2006).
«The effect of pressure on the growth of tumour cell colonies». Journal of Theoretical Biology 243 (2). 0022-5193, p. 171--180.

Brú, Antonio; Herrero, Miguel A. (2006).
«From the physical laws of tumor growth to modeling cancer processes». Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 16 (7S). 0218-2025, p. 1199--1218.

A. Brú; D. Casero; S. de Franciscis; M.A. Herrero (2007).
«Fractal analysis and tumour growth». Mathematical and computer modelling 47. 0895-7177.

Brú, A.; Albertos, S.; Subiza, J.L.; López García-Asenjo, J. A.; Brú, I. (2008).
«Reply to Comments by Buceta and Galeano Regarding the Article "The Universal Dynamics of Tumor Growth"». Biophysical Journal 88. p.3737–3738.

Antonio Brú, Carlos del Fresno, Alessandra Soares-Schanoski, Sonia Albertos, Isabel Brú, Amelia Porres, Eduardo Rollán-Landeras, Ana Dopazo, David Casero, Vanesa Gómez-Piña, Lourdes García, Francisco Arnalich, Rebeca Alvarez, Alexandro Rodríguez-Rojas, Pablo Fuentes-Prior and Eduardo López-Collazo (2007).
«Position-dependent expression of GADD45α in rat brain tumours». Medical Oncology 24 (4). p.436-444.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009

USA Políticas Terapeúticas Nutricionales

Artículo David J. Hess: ANNALS, AAPSS, 583, September 2002

He is a professor in and chair of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

His books on complementary and alternative cancer therapies are: Can Bacteria Cause Cancer? Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies, and with Margaret Wooddell,Women Confront Cancer.

Economía Política del Cancer& Cancer Political Economy


Groups, the Media, and Agency Waiting Costs: The Political Economy of FDA Drug Approval
Department of Political Science.University of Michigan.
June 2001

Cancer & Conocimiento científico

En torno al CANCER, plantearemos y acercaremos a la gente a lo largo de este blog:

-El problema ONTOLOGICO, es decir la discusión sobre las diversas concepciones de la realidad, así como sus implicaciones teórico/prácticas.

-El problema METODOLOGICO, esto es, la discusión sobre los diversos procedimientos orientados al mejor conocimiento. Enfrentando explicación y comprensión como vías de acceso diferenciadas a la realidad.

-El problema de los VALORES, es decir, la discusión sobre el lugar de los juicios de valor, así como sus implicaciones sobre las pretensiones de objetividad y la dimensiones normativas del conocimiento científico y de la objetividad científica.

Y cual es el impacto de estos planteamientos en la salud pública y privada, los y las enfermas, las políticas sanitarias, las decisiones de investigación, las estadísticas y el futuro de la oncología.

EPISTEMOLOGIA: producción y validación del conocimiento científico

EPISTEMOLOGIA (del griego, ἐπιστήμη o episteme, "conocimiento"; λόγος o logos,"teoría") es el estudio de la producción y validación del conocimiento científico. Se ocupa de problemas tales como las circunstancias históricas, psicológicas y sociológicas que llevan a su obtención, y los criterios por los cuales se lo justifica o invalida. Es conocida como "la rama mayor de las Ciencias": la Epistemología tambien es considerada como la ciencia que busca plantear el hecho de si se puede "llegar al verdadero conocimiento".

EPISTEMOLOGY (from the Greek or ἐπιστήμη episteme, "knowledge"; λόγος or logos, "theory") is the study of production and validation of scientific knowledge. It addresses to issues such as historical, psychological and sociological factors that lead to its acquisition, and the criteria by which it justifies or invalidates. It Is known as "the largest branch of Science". Epistemology is also regarded as the science that seeks to raise whether it is possible to " reach the true knowledge".